In low- and middle-income countries, where 80% of people with diabetes live, the level of awareness of the condition remains low in spite of the growing burden. Diabetes care is hindered by limited healthcare capacity and shortage of healthcare professionals who can diagnose and effectively treat diabetes. Lack of a steady supply of diabetes medicines and equipment is also among the barriers to effective diabetes care.
International Diabetes Federation. IDF Diabetes Atlas, 8 ed. Brussels, Belgium: International Diabetes Federation;2017.
Assuming average daily dose of 40 IU, as per WHO, Drug and Therapeutic Committee - A Practical Guide, 2003, Annex 6.1.
WHO (2017). Diabetes Fact Sheet 2017. Available at (accessed 25/6/2018).
WHO (2010). Guidelines for Drug Donations. Available at: (accessed 25/06/18).