The company’s A shares are not listed and are held by Novo Holdings A/S, a Danish public limited liability company wholly owned by the Novo Nordisk Foundation.
The Foundation has a dual objective: to provide a stable
basis for the commercial and research activities conducted by
the companies within the Novo Group (of which Novo Nordisk is
the largest), and to support scientific and humanitarian
purposes. According to the Articles of Association of the
Foundation, the A shares cannot be divested.
As of 8 November 2024, Novo Holdings A/S also held a B
share capital of nominally DKK 17,756,050. Novo Nordisk’s A and
B shares are calculated in units of DKK 0.10. Each A share
carries 100 votes and each B share carries 10 votes.
Average number of shares outstanding (excluding treasury shares): 4,453.9
Dilutive effect of restricted stock units: 9.1
Average number of shares outstanding, incl. dilutive effect: 4,463.0
Share price
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