In September 2015, world leaders adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The 2030 Agenda comprises of 17 universal Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), or Global Goals, which will guide policy and funding for the next 15 years, beginning with a historic pledge to end poverty.
We welcome and supports the 17 universal Global Goals, and 169 targets, and believes that an integrated approach implemented through partnerships and involving the private sector, across the multiple goals is crucial to achieving them. We particularly welcome the recognition of the importance of the growing burden of diabetes and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
As a global leader in diabetes care, we take a specific interest in health in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We wish to offer our expertise and insights to ensure that the interfaces between health and sustainable development are recognised, prioritised and the individual targets reached.
Our view is that the targets are interlinked and that health is a prerequisite for sustainable development. From a human and economic perspective, efforts to enhance the health for all have potential to yield high returns on investment for all. Consequently, the company will systematically review its contribution to each of the 17 Global Goals and as a healthcare company we will put special emphasis on health and improving the wellbeing and life of people living with non-communicable diseases.
See our position on access to diabetes care.
Read our Human Human Rights Commitment
Below are the targets where we as a company can make an impact by contributing with our knowledge and expertise.
We believe in taking a life-course and person-centred approach to non-communicable diseases worldwide. Particularly in low- and middle-income countries, our goal is to contribute to the development of healthcare systems, which can address the triple-burden of disease relating to maternal and child health, communicable diseases and non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
We advocate for equal rights and accessibility to healthcare for all as stated in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
We believe that cities are important focal points for tackling diabetes as 65% of all people with diabetes live in cities, amounting to 279 million people. By 2045, this proportion is projected to rise to 75% corresponding to almost 473 million people.
We contribute with expertise and insights to ensure that diabetes and other non-communicable diseases on the rise in cities are high on the urbanisation agenda and are addressed by those managing and designing cities.
We are committed to conducting our business in a financially, environmentally and socially responsible way. Climate change has global implications on all three dimensions, and poses a significant threat to human health and development. Therefore taking steps to reduce our impact is both an act of long-term risk mitigation and corporate responsibility.
Read our position on climate change
We have joined the RE100 initiative committing to making our electricity consumption 100% renewable.
We never compromise on business ethics. This is set out in the Novo Nordisk Way, a set of guiding principles which underpin every decision we make. We conduct all activities in an ethical, open and honest manner
Systematic efforts to reduce corruption and bribery are secured through the Business Ethics policy, internal policies and procedures, reviews and trainings of employees.
We believe it is important to create a level playing field for responsible business and contributes in multiple ways in industry and cross sector fora
We work to encourage and promote effective public-private partnerships as a means of creating value for all stakeholders. We work in partnership with governments, international organisations, patients and their organisations, civil society, healthcare providers, academia and industry bodies to improve prevention, early detection and standards of care for people with diabetes and other NCDs.
Many of these partnership activities fall under our Defeat Diabetes strategy or promote sustainable business more broadly.
We believe that it is necessary to establish a formal framework to register, monitor and report on the commitments and actions of all actors, including the private sector, to address the SDGs.