Science2Medicine CreatioNN

bioLabs logo

graphic of a space rocket taking off from a laptop screen

We are partnering with the premiere life-sciences incubator, BioLabs, so you can join their network through the Science2Medecine creatioNN programme that offers rent-free lab spaces at two of their European hubs, either at:

  • BioLabs Heidelberg, located in Germany, or
  • BioLabs Paris, located in the heart of the city, in the hospital setting of Hôtel-Dieu.

It is more than just a lab space: it is an entrepreneurial base for your laboratory work and entry to the ecosystem network of other device and biotech start-up firms alike. At each life science incubator, you will not only get access to a dedicated lab bench, but also to shared facilities so you can concentrate on your innovative science, while BioLabs takes care of the lab management. Each ticket provides 1 bench, 1 desk and a membership for 1 year.

In addition, the program will enable you to work closely with Novo Nordisk scientific and business leaders and offer a gateway for further collaboration.

Are you interested to reside among the biotech and medtech superstars, working on developing breakthrough innovations? Scroll down and send us your application and unique value proposition that addresses a significant unmet need for patients with cardio-metabolic diseases.

Application deadline is on the 19th February 2024 by 20:00 Central European Time. 

We are looking for you, the entrepreneur who is passionate about advancing the development of their innovation and determined to bridge the gap between academic research and commercialization and to overcome the product development’s “valley of death”.

Secondly, expanding on our core expertise areas, we want to extend the scientific reach into adjacent therapeutic and technology areas. This is also the place where we seek to advance novel drug targets or therapeutic approaches, biological pathways, and drug discovery technology and therapeutic modalities.

Image of our stratigic focus areas

Submit applications by February 19, 2024

A subset of applicants will be identified as finalists by the contest judges
by March 1, 2024

Finalists will present their company & scientific concept at a live event
on March 19, 2024 

One award will be granted. Good luck!

Rent-free lab space

No strings attached

Mentoring and support